CAMWEST: Cyclists’ Action Movement West

Advocacy Resources

We have prepared a number of advocacy resources. Below are some of them.

"Forget Healthy. Have Fun!" Poster

A poster encouraging people to see cycling as a fun way to get healthy. It's ideal to put up on your local medical center.

Download Poster (PDF, 553Kb)

CAMWEST Print Newsletter

Our Print Newsletter, CAMWEST News, is an excellent way to inform people who may not usually read our website. It's designed to be printed on a single A4 sheet, back to back. It's great to hand out to Councillors, Council staff, MPs. You could print some for your local bike shop, or pin one up at work.

Spring 03 — looks at Active Transport, why it's the way to go, and why Health Departments should have a bigger role in facilitating it. It also covers our popular Tizzana Winery ride and the Western Australia Government's Transport Energy Strategy, in response to the risk of oil depletion.

Download Newsletter (PDF, 1.3 Mb)

Autumn 03 - It raises the issue of high petrol prices and the role that cycling can play.

Download Newsletter (PDF, 579Kb)

CAMWEST Brochure

A one page A4 brochure explaining what CAMWEST does. It includes brief descriptions of our rides and contact details for people to join. You can leave some of these at your local bike shop, library, and shopping center.

Download CAMWEST Brochure (PDF, 544Kb)

Sample Advocacy Letters

Below are a number of sample advocacy letters you could download, edit to your own words, and then mail.

General Advocacy asking for better bike facilities (addressed to the State Minister Minister) (MS Word, 13Kb). See also a text version.


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